Lights for Operating Rooms Available from Outpatient Supply

Lights for Operating Rooms

Nowhere is proper illumination more critical than in an operating room. But surgeons need more than just clear visibility from operating room lamps. To perform the widest range of procedures, they need a system with adjustable focal size, uniform light quality, and great depth of illumination. This aptly describes Outpatient Supply’s lights for operating rooms.

The Luvis M200 System

The Luvis M200 is a hybrid LED surgical light system. As such, it emits no UV rays, which means it emits less heat than standard light systems. With less heat emission comes more energy efficiency and the cool illumination that’s vital for protecting patients’ wounds during surgery. The depth of illumination the Luvis M200 provides is excellent with Ec x 60%: 85 cm and Ec x 20%: 150 cm, with more than 60% light uniformity. Additionally, the Luvis M200 features a state-of-the-art touch sensor for intuitive control of light intensity, focal size, and color temperature. 

Learn More

 At Outpatient Supply, we understand that purchasing medical equipment is an investment. That’s why we make ourselves available to answer any questions you may have as part of your decision-making process. With respect to the Luvis M200, you should know that it comes with a two-year manufacturer warranty that will give you confidence in your investment. To learn more about our lights for operating rooms, contact Outpatient Supply today.