Operating Room Lamps That Offer Maximum Visibility 

Operating Room Lamps

As surgeons know firsthand, not all light systems are the same. Arguably, more than any professional whose work demands high accuracy, surgeons need lights that provide clear visibility and easy illumination adjustment. And that’s exactly what the practitioners at your institution will enjoy if you invest in the Luvis M200 system. Used by hospitals across the country, these operating room lamps deliver optimal light conditions for any type of surgical procedure.

Superb Energy Efficiency

The Luvis M200 is a hybrid LED system, which means it doesn’t emit rays UV rays, and emits less heat than traditional surgical lights, and with a reduction in heat comes increased energy efficiency and improved protection for patients’ wounds during surgery. Because this system also features adjustable color temperature and focal size, it’s 30% more efficient than standard lights. Other beneficial features of our operating room lamps include:
• Exceptional depth of illumination at Ec x 60% : 85 cm and Ec x 20% : 150 cm
• 54 LED units that produce up to 120,000 lux with a high level of light uniformity essential for wide surgical areas
• A state-of-the-art touch sensor for intuitive control of light intensity
And, for security in your investment, the Luvis M200 is backed by a two-year manufacturer warranty.
And, for security in your investment, the Luvis M200 is backed by a two-year manufacturer warranty.

Take the Next Step

To start the process of ordering a Luvis M200 system for your facility, contact Outpatient Supply. As one of the premier medical equipment distributors in the United States, we keep all of our products in stock and can ship our operating room lamps within 24 hours after an order is placed.