Sturdy Surgical Tables for Safer Medical Procedures

Surgical Table with Surgical Lamps

If any piece of modern medical equipment can be considered underappreciated, perhaps it would be the operating room table. After all, it doesn’t appear to do much, other than serve as a firm platform that gives a surgeon access to the patient. But, as you know, surgical tables must be able to do a whole lot more, which means it must be thoughtfully engineered to accommodate all manner of surgical procedures. One such table is the ATS, a sturdy surgical table made by the respected company Infinium Medical.

Built for Safety

The ATS was engineered for unyielding stability and intuitive control. In terms of features, that means this table has:
• A floor lock system with four anti-static castors and a special emergency lock button
• An ergonomic hand controller equipped with safety locks to prevent accidental movement
• A 500-pound lift capacity that can be upgraded to 1,000 pounds
• A C-arm compatible tabletop that can slide horizontally and rotate 180 degrees for ideal positioning
• Six configurations for effective surgical access
Additionally, the ATS offers an optional battery backup system as a safeguard against power failures.

Learn More

Buying new medical equipment for your facility is an investment that requires careful consideration, so we fully understand that you would want as much information as possible. Why not contact Outpatient Supply today? One of our knowledgeable representatives will be happy to speak to you about our exceptionally sturdy surgical tables and provide you with a no-obligation price quote.