An Easy-to-Use Vital Signs Device for Medical Professionals

Vital Signs Patient Monitor

The quality of a facility’s medical equipment plays a critical role in the quality of the healthcare it delivers. Given that vital signs measurement is a fundamental aspect of proper patient care, it follows that only the most reliable devices be used for this purpose. Made by the respected manufacturer Infinium Medical, the Cleo® is exactly that type of vital signs device. Whether you need the Cleo to measure a patient’s temperature, blood pressure, or pulse oximetry (SpO2), you can count on it for accurate readings.

Using the Cleo

The Cleo makes vital signs monitoring simple and intuitive. At less than 3 pounds, it allows for easy transportation even though it’s a sturdy tabletop unit. So, you can use the Cleo for continuous bedside monitoring or for mobile spot checks. Further, its menu and software are simple to navigate, allowing you to quickly configure the Cleo for different vital sign applications. For instance, you can use it as a basic pulse oximeter, a stand-alone capnograph, or as a combination NIPB/ SpO2/temperature device.

Helpful Options

With different mounting options available, you can use the Cleo for optimal efficacy and convenience. For versatility, we recommend the quick-release wall mount that’s height and tilt adjustable. For easy mobility, the adjustable rolling cart with lockable wheels is a great option. Whichever option you choose, you can expect prompt delivery after you place your order. That’s because we maintain a full inventory of medical equipment and therefore can ship your vital signs device within 24 hours. For more information about the Cleo, contact Outpatient Supply today.