Why Your Facility Needs an Infrared Vein Viewer

Woman massaging joint pain

Finding veins easily during a vascular procedure goes a long way toward a patient’s comfort. At some facilities, however, locating the right vein often follows a series of painful needle sticks that can increase a patient’s agitation and even cause visible bruising. With an infrared vein viewer from Outpatient Supply, your facility can easily avoid any such scenario. Our vein finder makes locating, assessing, and identifying spider and feeder veins an efficient process for your staff and a much more comfortable experience for your patients.

How the VS400 Works

Our vein finder uses infrared light technology to project a patient’s veins on the surface of their skin. It can be used either as a handheld device or on a suspension stand for assistance. And because it features adjustable visualization and display modes, patients’ different complexions will be no obstacle. Neither will dim environments, thanks to the device’s different brightness settings. Additionally, three different imaging sizes allow the VS400 to be used on both adults and children. As for battery life, our device outperforms comparable vein viewers, providing 300 minutes of use per five-hour charge. Considering these extensive capabilities, it’s little wonder that the Infusion Nurses Society has recommended the VS400.

Prompt Shipment

Because we keep all of our products in stock, we can ship our infrared vein viewers to health care facilities within 24 hours after an order is placed. If you’re ready to order a VS400, or if you would like more information about its features, contact Outpatient Supply today.