Now Available for Medical Facilities: A Near-Infrared Vein Viewer for Simpler Vascular Procedures

Close up image of stethoscope

There’s a reason more medical facilities are relying on vein viewers—these devices work exactly as intended. One of the best viewers on the market is the VS400. It’s so effective at locating small and even deep-seated veins that it has earned a recommendation from the trusted Infusion Nurses Society. If your facility has never used a vein finder, there’s no need to be concerned. Operating the VS400 is easy. Simply position the device about 200 mm from a patient’s skin and let the near-infrared technology do its work of illuminating the patient’s veins. As one of the nation’s premier distributors of reliable medical equipment, Outpatient Supply offers the VS400 at a competitive price.

What Makes the VS400 a Good Investment?

One easy answer—versatility. Your staff can use the VS400 as a handheld device or on a suspension stand for assistance. And it doesn’t matter if the patient is a child or adult because the VS400 features three different imaging sizes (full, two-thirds, and one-half) for more accurate vein viewing as well as optimal focus on a single blood vessel if that’s what the procedure requires. You will find that the VS400 works well no matter how dark a patient’s complexion since the device’s display colors are adjustable. Brightness levels are also adjustable, making the VS400 effective at viewing even the smallest veins in either dark or light-saturated environments.

Find Out More

 To learn more about the features and benefits of our innovative vein viewer, contact Outpatient Supply. We ship our medical equipment to facilities across the country, typically on the same day an order is placed.