Capnography Monitors for Medical Care Providers Across the United States

Illustration of a heart rhythm

Without reliable equipment, providing medical care at the high level that your patients and their families expect can be a challenge. When it comes to mobile monitoring of patients’ EtCO2 output, many capnography devices on the market leave a lot to be desired. Thankfully, that is not the case with Cleo® capnograph monitors offered by Outpatient Supply. As a leading provider of medical equipment, we source our etCO2 devices from Infinium Medical, one of the most respected manufacturers of medical equipment, which just happens to be our sister company. Reliability, therefore, will never be a concern with Cleo® capnographs.

High Functionality and Convenience

We carry two capnography modules – the Cleo® and the CleoMax®, both of which are both compact and lightweight for easy portability.
The Cleo® weighs less than 3 pounds and uses a 50-ml-per-minute side-stream collection method. It features filter cells in the sample lines to prevent sample cross-contamination, and, in addition to measuring end-tidal CO2, it can provide readings of other vitals such as temperature and non-invasive blood pressure.
Our other capnography module, the CleoMax®, measures both EtCO2 and respiration rate. Its easy-reading 1.4-inch color TFT screen will allow your staff to quickly read and interpret patient data. Plus, with lithium-ion batteries supplying up to 10 hours of battery life, the CleoMax offers dependable use even without a nearby power source. What’s more, because there’s no need for regular calibration, it will be ready when you need it.    

We Can Help You Choose

Our knowledgeable team can help you determine which one of our capnography monitors is right for your facility. Just reach out to us. We will be happy to answer your questions and give you all the information you need to make a smart investment.