With CPAP Machines and Systems

Up to 50% of chronic disease treatments are not correctly used. That adds up to 125,000 preventable deaths in the United States every year.

CPAP systems present a unique challenge to patient adherence. As much as they can help sleep apnea patients, they can also present many challenges.

Are you struggling with CPAP patient compliance? Read on to learn how to navigate these challenges to get the best outcomes for your sleep apnea patients.


Education is one of the most important factors in ensuring patient compliance.

However, not all education will increase patient adherence. For your teaching to minimize non-compliance, it has to be effective.

The “teach-back” method is one of the most effective teaching methods in healthcare. Once you’ve explained how the CPAP machine works, have your patient demonstrate it back to you. This increases patient recall and boosts retention and compliance.

Education is especially important if your CPAP systems have special capabilities. 

Do you offer special features like Wi-Fi capability, integrated humidifiers, or exhalation ease technology? Is your machine travel-friendly, quiet enough for light sleepers, or compact enough for a small sleeping space?

Explain the extra features to your patients and ensure that they understand how to use your CPAP machines optimally. 

Regular Follow-Ups

As with any new medical treatment, patients will discover the challenges of CPAP machines as they start using them. If the challenges of CPAP therapy outweigh the perceived benefits, their CPAP treatment will fall by the wayside.

That’s why regular follow-ups are crucial to optimizing patient compliance. Schedule a follow-up appointment a few weeks after your patient starts using the machine, and ask questions such as:

  • What is working well so far with your CPAP system?
  • What isn’t working?
  • What physical discomforts are you experiencing (dry throat, difficulty sleeping, pressure on the bridge of the nose)?
  • What psychological discomforts are you experiencing (self-consciousness, inability to sleep in the same room as their partner)?

Many patients are likely too shy to tell you about their discomforts. By bringing up common CPAP treatment problems, you invite genuine feedback from them.

Provide Solutions

As a healthcare professional, you can support your patients by helping them find genuine solutions to their CPAP challenges.

Stay informed about the most common CPAP troubleshooting points, including:

  • Dry throat and mouth: make sure the humidifier is working properly
  • Difficulty sleeping: try earplugs or a quieter machine
  • Mask discomfort: choose a different mask type or try a nasal pillow
  • Mask anxiety: have the patient practice wearing the mask in the daytime to adjust to the feeling of wearing the mask

When patients give you feedback on their CPAP systems, suggest the right solution to their issue so that your patient stays committed to their treatment. 

You Can Improve CPAP Patient Compliance

Noncompliance is a silent epidemic in health care. With these solutions, you’ll be able to boost patient compliance with CPAP machines. This gives your patients the best chance to get the care they need. 

Are you looking for state-of-the-art CPAP machines to help your patients adhere to sleep apnea treatment? Outpatient Supply offers outstanding CPAP systems with integrated features. Contact them today to find the medical equipment you need.


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