Your urinary bladder is quite a remarkable organ. It features a specialized tissue known as transitional epithelium that can extract and expand as needed. An adult bladder can hold up to 700 mL of urine, but by then, the urge to go to the bathroom would be unbearable. Unfortunately, tens of millions of Americans suffer from some type of bladder dysfunction, such as incontinence.  A bladder scanner is an indispensable tool for urology, hospital medicine, and it has uses in primary care. How confident are you and your staff using them? Read ahead to learn how to correctly perform a bladder scan.

The Urological Work Horse

Knowing how to use a bladder scanner properly is an important skill for doctors, nurses, technicians, and medical assistants of all types.

If the technique is not performed properly, the test may give a faulty reading. In turn, this can hinder the ability of the staff to make adequately informed decisions.

The bladder scanner might not be the most exciting piece of medical equipment. However, it is both useful and extremely practical.

What is a Bladder Scan?

A portable bladder scanner is a device that uses ultrasound to create a 3D image of the bladder.

Ultrasonography can also easily differentiate between liquid and air within an organ. This allows the practitioner to get a good estimate of the amount of urine present.

1. Preparation

Of course, the first step is to turn the power on. To do this, the machine must be plugged in or have a charged battery.

Then, the operator will have to log into the system. A username/password combination may be required.

2. Patient Data

Then, you will have to input certain information about the patient. This is important in order to make sure that the test results are assigned to the right patient.

Failing to do so can cause the results to be lost, leading to lost time and confusion.

You should be sure to record at least the name, age, and sex of the patient, as well a the date of the procedure.

3. Prepare the Patient

Have the patient lay supine on the bed or examination table. Allow them to get comfortable and relax the abdominal muscles.

With the patient’s permission, expose the lower abdomen and generously apply the ultrasound gel midline and a few centimeters above the pubic bone.

Do you best not to make of mess with the gel on the patient’s clothing.

4. The Main Act

Position yourself on the right side of the patient. Gently place the probe on the abdomen, pointing it straight downwards.

The button on the probe should point toward the patient’s head.

Once in position, simply press the scan button on the device. The size of the bladder and urinary volume will be calculated.

5. Save and Print

Next, all you have to do is save the results. You might want to print them immediately, but otherwise, you could save that for later.

Decency dictates that you offer the patient a napkin to clean off the excess gel. Thank them for their cooperation.

All the Bladder Scanner Solutions in One Place

A bladder scanner is a urologist’s best friend. They are inexpensive, painless, fast, and easy to use.

Like all medical procedures, there is a right way and wrong way. Fortunately, the benefits of training your staff to use a bladder scanner are well worth it.

Visit our blog for articles about bladder scanners and other crucial supplies for medical practice.